Acting coach
Actuarial services
Acupressure services
Acupuncture services
Adjustment, collection, and credit reporting services
Aerobics instructor
Air conditioning systems installation and repair
Answering / paging services
Antique stores
Appliance and accessories installation and repair
Appliance distributor (wholesale)
Application development
Application service provider
Appraisal services
Art gallery or dealers
Art instructor
Art therapy
Art, pictures, posters or frames stores
Athletic trainer
Audio-visual equipment store
Authors and playwrights
Auto and home supply stores
Automotive repair shops and paint shops
Automotive services, except repair and carwashes
Awning installation
Bands and orchestras
Barbeque truck / trailer
Barber / hair stylist services
Bathroom remodeling
Beautician / cosmetology services
Beauty supplies
Beekeeping and apiculture services
Behavioral health professional
Bicycle store
Billing service
Book stores
Books, periodicals, and newspapers distributor (wholesale)
Bowling alleys
Brand consultant
Bridal and dress store
Building inspection
Burglar and fire alarm installation and repair
Business consulting
Business manager services
Cabinet installation
Camera and photographic equipment store
Candle sales representative
Candle store
Candy, nut and confectionery stores
Car detailing
Carpet, laminate, and vinyl flooring store
Carpet, rug, furniture, or upholstery cleaning
Ceiling or wall installation (metal)
Cemetery subdividers and developers
Certified case manager
Certified rehabilitation professional
Child day care services
Chimney cleaning
Christmas / holiday store
Civil engineering
Claims adjusting
Clock making and repair
Clothing / apparel stores
Clown / magician / entertainer
Coffee / donut cart
Coffee and tea supplies store
Coffee shop or café
Collectibles / memorabilia stores
Colleges, universities, and professional schools
Combined heating and air conditioning installation and repair (HVAC)
Commercial printing
Communication, cable or satellite installation
Computer facilities management services
Computer hardware reseller
Computer processing and data preparation and processing services
Computer programming services
Computer repair and maintenance
Computer store
Computer supplies distributor (wholesale)
Computer system / network developer
Concrete construction
Control systems integration / automation
Convenience stores
Convenience stores (food only)
Cooking instructor
Copy and print store
Cosmetics, toiletries, and personal care stores
Craft / art supply store
Craft vendor / crafter
Credit counseling
Dairy products stores
Dance instructor
Dance therapy
Data processing
Database designer
Debris removal
Deck installation
Dental laboratories
Department store
Dessert cart
Diet / nutrition services
Digital marketing
Direct marketing
Disc jockey
Discount store
Doctor or physician
Document preparation
Dog walking
Dollar store
Door or window installation and repair
Draftsman (including CAD / CAM)
Driveway or sidewalk paving / repaving
Drug stores
Drywall or wallboard installation and repair
E-commerce and online retailers
Education consulting
Electrical engineering
Electrical supplies distributor (wholesale)
Electrical supply stores
Electrical work
Electronics repair shops
Energy healing
Environmental engineering
Esthetician services
Event planning / promotion
Executive placement
Exercise physiologist
Expert witness services
Exterior cleaning services
Eyelash technician
Fabric store
Facilities support management services
Farm supplies distributor (wholesale)
Feed, grain, or seed and plant store
Fence installation and repair
Financial advisor
Financial auditing or consulting
Financial securities and commodities
First aid and CPR training
Fitness professional
Floor covering installation
Floor coverings stores
Food / beverage cart
Food cart
Food service equipment and supplies stores
Framing work
Fruit and vegetable store
Funeral service and crematories
Fur store
Furniture or fixture installation
Furniture stores
Garbage, ash or refuse collecting
Gas station
General contractor
General merchandise store
Gift delivery service
Gift, novelty, and souvenir shops
Glass installation and repair
Glass store
Golf instructor
Grading of land or site preparation
Graphic design
Group fitness instructor
Gutter cleaning
Halloween store
Hardware merchant distributor (wholesale)
Hardware stores
Hardwood and tile flooring store
Hat store
Health and wellness educator / counselor
Health or natural food stores
Hearing aid stores
Hobby and art supplies store
Hobby, toy, and game shops
Holiday lights installation
Home bakery
Home electronics store
Home furnishing stores
Home health, homecare, or hospice aides
Home improvement store
Home inspection
Home theater installation
Hot dog cart
House furnishings installation
Household appliance stores
Human resources consulting
IT consulting
IT project management
IT software / hardware training services
Ice cream and yogurt store
Ice cream cart
Ice cream truck
Image consulting
Industrial engineering
Instruments and medical equipment manufacturing
Insulation work
Insurance inspectors
Insurance professionals
Interior decorator
Interior design
Interior finishing work
Investment advice
Janitorial services
Jewelry making / manufacturing
Jewelry stores
Jewelry, watches, silverware supplies distributor (wholesale)
Junior colleges and technical institutes
Kinesio therapist
Kiosk (no food / drink)
Lamps and lighting fixtures store
Land surveyors
Landscape architect
Landscaping services
Laundry & dry cleaning
Lawn and garden sprinkler systems installation and repair
Lawn care services
Lawncare & garden supply stores
Leather manufacturing
Legal services
Lemonade cart
Licensed / certified school counselor
Licensed professional counselor
Life / career / executive coaching
Linen supply
Liquor store
Logistics management
Luggage and leather goods stores
Maid services
Mailbox and packaging store
Mailing services
Makeup artist
Management consulting
Manufacturers' representatives
Market research
Marketing consulting
Marriage and family therapy
Masonry work
Massage therapy
Meat and fish (seafood) store
Medical billing
Medical or dental office
Mental health counseling
Metal erection
Metal supplies distributor (wholesale)
Mobile food truck
Mobile street food vendor
Mortgage brokering / banking
Motion picture and video distribution (wholesale)
Motivational speaking
Movie / DVD store
Music instructor
Music therapy
Musical instrument tuning and repair
Musical instruments manufacturing
Musical instruments stores
Nail technician services
News dealers and newsstands
Newspaper, magazine or book publishing services
Nonresidential building construction
Notary services
Occupational therapy
Office machines stores
Optical goods stores
Other apparel and accessories stores
Other consulting services
Other marketing / PR services
Other stores (no food / drink)
Other stores (with food / drink)
Pack and ship store
Paint and wallpaper stores
Paint supplies distributor (wholesale)
Painting and wall covering contractors
Party supplies store
Personal care aides
Personal chef
Personal concierge / assistant
Personal shoppers
Personal training (health and fitness)
Pet day care and overnight boarding
Pet grooming services
Pet sitting
Pet supplies store
Pet training
Pet waste removal
Photocopying and duplicating services
Photographic equipment and supplies distributor (wholesale)
Physical therapy
Picnic planner
Plastering or stucco work
Plastics or rubber supplies distributor (wholesale)
Plumbing fixtures and supplies stores
Power / pressure washing
Printing supplies store
Private investigator
Process engineering
Process server
Professional membership organizations
Professional organizer
Professional sports clubs, managers, and promoters
Project management
Project manager - construction
Property management
Public relations
Radio, television, and publishers' advertising representatives
Real estate agents / brokers
Real estate appraisers
Record / music store
Recording studios
Recreational therapist
Recruiter (employment placements)
Refrigeration equipment (dealers or distributors)
Refrigeration equipment and supply store
Refrigeration service or repair
Rehabilitation therapist
Research & testing facilities
Research consulting
Residential building construction
Resume consulting
Safety consulting
Sales representatives
Search engine services (SEO / SEM)
Secretarial and court reporting services
Security system installation
Septic tank installation, service and repair
Septic tank systems cleaning
Sewing, needlework, and piece goods stores
Sheet metal work
Shoe repair and shoeshine shops
Shoe stores
Siding installation
Sign installation or repair
Sign painting and lettering
Sign store
Singer / vocalist
Small engine repair
Snack truck
Snow blowing and removal
Snow cone / shaved ice cart
Social media consultant
Social work services
Software development
Software publishing services
Solar energy contractors
Sound equipment installation
Speech therapy
Sporting goods stores
Sports medicine instructor
Sports medicine therapist
Stationery stores
Stock brokering
Stone, clay, and glass manufacturing
Strategy consultant
Structural body worker
Substance abuse counseling
Supermarket / grocery store
Swimming pool cleaning and servicing (no install)
Swimming pool installation, service, or repair
Talent agency
Tax preparation
Teaching or tutoring
Theatrical services
Thrift store
Tile, stone, marble, mosaic, or terrazzo work
Tire shop
Title abstractors
Title agent
Training (business, vocational or life skills)
Translating / interpreting
Transportation engineering
Travel agency
Tree services
Trophy store
Trucking & transportation services
Trustee services
Upholstery work
Vending machine operators
Veterinarian services
Video tape and disc rental
Videography (freelance)
Vinyl and leather repair
Virtual assistant
Vocational schools
Watch or jewelry repair
Water softening equipment installation, service or repair
Website design
Wedding officiant
Wedding planner
Welding or cutting
Window cleaning
Windshield repair
Women's accessory and specialty stores
Wood and lumber supplies distributor (wholesale)
Wrecking and demolition work
Yoga / pilates instruction
Zumba instructor